More on the pillage of Iraq

Another troubling aspect of the plundering still going on in Iraq is that lots of vital official documents either will be or have been destroyed in the looting. Which means it becomes that much more difficult to find out the truth about Iraq’s NBC programmes. It also means it becomes harder to root out diehard Ba’athists, but since the party police in Bagdhad is being rehired anyway, this hardly seems like a consideration for Washington…

It’s hard to believe that the plundering wasn’t deliberately encouraged, even more so than the British already admitted to. After all, the more difficult it becomes to piece out the truth about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, the easier it is to accuse Syria of having them…

The warmachine needs to be fed; it would be a shame to have all those troops there and not use them. More and more it seems like the greatest paranoid fears of any sensible person (as well as the fondest wish of the warbloggers) are coming true: Iraq as the stepping stone to further military adventures in the Middle East, ending in total US domination. After Iraq, Syria, after Syria, Iran?