Bullying is the new freedom of speech

Harry’s Place attempts to prove Laurie Penny’s accusation of bullying wrong, by erm trying to bully her into withdrawing the accusation. For such macho culture warriors they have remarkably thin skins. It’s a trait they share with their ideological compatriots over here, as with the backlash against Geert Wilders finally starting, he has shown to be better at dishing it out than taking it as well.

The pattern until recently had been that he would say something incredibly insulting and/or racist (comparing Islamic headscarves to “dishrags” for example), would get widely if ineffectively condemned for it, which he in turn would use to show the political elite in Den Haag didn’t get it. But when in short succesion a government report called the PVV “an extreme rightwing party” and anti-democratic and a popular standup comedian compared it to the WWI Dutch nazi party, Wilders’ fondness for freedom of speech evaporated. While he called these accusations absurd and insane, his followers took more drastic actions and sent various death threats to Wilders’ more vocal critics…

Righwing blowhards can only win the debate when the opposition rolls over. When they themselves are attacked their true, bullying nature appears.