Nick Mamatas not noticable — further decline of Wikipedia

Nick Mamatas’ entry on Wikipedia is considered for deletion:

A lack of reliable third part sources necessary for WP:BLP. Also, publications don’t seem notable and awards are regional, not enough to distinguish person as notable.

This is a writer who has written several science fiction and horror novels, been published in America as well as several European countries (Germany and Italy) and is the editor for the well received Haikasoru line of Japanese science fiction books For Viz Publications. He has received favourable critical reception for both his writing and his editing work, including several Bram Stoker Award nominations, a World Fantasy Award nomination, a few Hugo Award nominations, including one this year for Best Editor, long form and so on and so forth. In the greater scheme of things he may just be a minor writer at the moment working in still somewhat disreputable genres, but he’s clearly influential enough and noticed enough by his peers to be worthy of inclusion in Wikipedia, with plenty of material out there to be able to write a reasonable encyclopedia entry about him. Everything therefore in the original argument of why Mamatas needs to be removed from Wikipedia is wrong, which is par for the course for a lot of deletions.

Searching for Wikipedia on this very blog will show a lot of other examples of this sort of heavyhanded and dumb “cleansing” of Wikipedia, usually aimed at subjects not traditionally part of an encyclopedia. But that’s the whole point of why Wikipedia can be better than any traditional encyclopedia, because it has room for any subject of worth to be included, no matter how obscure. It can be a generalist encyclopedia and go into enormous depth on every subject imaginable. A certain kind of Wikipedia editor doesn’t get this however and feels the need to patrol the project for subjects and articles they deem unworthy of inclusion because, umm well, they clutter up the place?

Hence absurdities like this, where somebody who clearly hasn’t the faintest idea about the subject he’s judging thinks “Nick Mamatas” needs to be deleted because his publications aren’t noticable and his awards, including the World Fantasy Award nomination are purely regional…


  • James Davis Nicoll

    May 7, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    I see for some reason your post on the subject was singled out for rebuke. Did they not see mine? Snubbed again!

  • Martin Wisse

    May 8, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    I know! Or Nick’s own, for that matter, but then Livejournal is even more disreputable than a blog….