Food diary (VIII) — beer

Scheldebriouwerij Zeezuiper

Yeah, I skipped yesterday, but that was a fast day anyway, with only a salad, some raw carrots and the usual amounts of coffee (4 mugs), diet coke (about a litre) and water (same) to show for it. Today was a normal day. Lunch was an omelette and quark with muesli, dinner a small pizza, drinks the same as yesterday, with the exception of the bad boy above.

That’s the Scheldebrouwerij Zeezuiper (“seaquaffer”), a tripel brewed just over the border from my home province. At eight percent ABV it’s fairly heavy, but not as heavy as the Kasteel beer that nice glass was intended to be used for. It’s got a sweet, caramel taste, slightly cloying, that sticks to the roof of your mouth. Not very hoppy, no bitterness whatsoever, something you need to drink slowly but not let stand all evening or it falls flat.

Of course, if I want to lose weight I can’t drink too much beer, so this will have to do me tonight.

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