Blind Book Dates

See, there’s a reason why I stay loyal to the American Book Center:

The idea is simple. Pick one of your favorite books and get creative with wrapping, keywords, quotes or hints. At the day of the party you bring your Blind Book Date to the store; we give you a name-tag and number, and then the fun starts. You walk around the store and show your Blind Book Date to other BBD people and let them figure out which BBD you brought and you have to try and guess other people’s BBDs. We’ll provide paper and pens. At the end of the party all participants will reveal their book at the same time and the person with the most correct guesses wins a cool prize. It’s like a Halloween party, but in this case it’s the books that are in disguise.

The ABC has been selling “blind date” books for a couple of years now; books wrapped in brown paper with just a couple of keywords as hints. Handy for adventurous readers. So, frex, would you take a gamble on a book with these keywords?

– Fantasy
– Ancient China
– Mysterious Illness
– Scholar with a Slight Flaw

Hint: you should. More staff recommended blind book dates here. Personally I’m intrigued by book 5: Science-Fiction, Colonization Mission, Body Adapted to Mars, Penis Removal = Trauma. Any idea?