Cloggie: booklog 2002: False Dawn
False Dawn
The Delusions of Global Capitalism
John Gray
262 pages, with index and notes
published in 1998

John Gray is a conservative political thinker and was an influence on the UK Conservatives and Margaret Thatcher. Now a professor at the London School of Economics, he has become worried enough about neoliberal drive for globalisation.

Gray's core argument is that the neoliberal dream of an unfettered and global free market is a pipedream, the mirror image of that other great Enlightenment inspired project to rebuilt the world, Soviet style Communism. He argues that any free market is actually dependent on constant government interference, that if things are left to develop on their own, regulation of the markets will occur naturally.

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Webpage created 16-03-2002, last updated 28-03-2002
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