Template — Matt Hughes

Cover of Template

Matt Hughes
400 pages (in manuscript)
published in 2008

It was James Nicoll who suggested to hold a Matt Hughes reviewathon of his latest novel Template, since Hughes was kind enough to offer an advance copy to any reviewer or blogger who was willing to do something with it. James wanted a reviewathon because he found it “tremendously annoying that Hughes is not better known than he is”. I figured it would be an easy way to sample a writer I knew of but had not yet read so this week I found myself reading my first Matt Hughes

Had it not been for James and his reviewathon I don’t think I would’ve read this novel, as the plot description didn’t sound that interesting. Conn Labro is an indentured duelist on Thrais, one of the Ten Thousand Worlds, happily fighting all kind of duels and games for his employer, making them lots of money while never quite paying off his indenture, though he is now one of the top ranked duelists in all the Ten Thousand Worlds. He was indentured as an infant you see, so has a lot of indenture to work off. But all this changes when Hallis Tharp died. Tharp’s an old man, the closest thing to a friend Conn has, who has been coming to Conn every week for most of his life to play a game of paduay. Conn sets
out to see what happened to Tharp when he doesn’t show up for his game, discovers he’s died and he has inherited what’s left of his meager possesions, only to see his employer’s game house blown up before his eyes when returning home. It then turns out he’s inherited a bearers deed to some offworld possesion and after he and Jenore Mordene, another friend of Tharp are attacked again, Conn sets off with her to find his destiny elsewhere in the Ten Thousand Worlds.

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