New to the Left
Each day I list the blogs new to the linklist. Want to be added? Use the form, Luke. Entry does not guarantee winning. No purchase necessary. Offer void where prohibited. You must either be a fiery liberal spirit or be in
the vanguard of the workers revolution to participate. At a pinch we’ll take dedicated left anarchists and the like as well. No wishy washy centrists need apply. The decision of the judges is final.
By Rafe Colburn. Thoughtful, factual, calm.
Jason writes because his brain is filled with lots of screwed up stuff that
he tends not to say out loud. According to him
By science fiction writer, technogeek and old style UK liberal Charlie Stross.
commentary on and song parodies about politics, current events, books, music,
and anything else that inspires her admiration or ire.
Sunny thoughts from sunny Orange County. By Kevin Drum.