Top Stories, Friday 15 Nov
Ruminate This gets angry about what’s included in the Homeland Security Bill:
The effects of this Homeland Security bill are far reaching – it attacks our civil liberties in a deep and penetrating way, insinuating itself into our most private lives; it goes after federal worker rights; it eliminates the committee to investigate 911; all this…while protecting corporate tax evaders and PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES FROM THIMEROSAL LIABILITY? Excuse me? Tell me again, won’t you…who is it that this Homeland Security bill is being established to protect?
I need to step away from the blog for the rest of today. I am that inflamed and furious. Hopefully, I’ll simmer down long enough to make some congressional phone calls.
Alas, a Blog examines the claim that men are
equal victims of domestic violence as women:
Anyone who watch’s the men’s rights movement runs across the claim that men are equal victims of domestic violence. I disagree, and as it happens I’ve done a little research on this over the years, so hopefully people won’t mind if I present some contrary evidence.
Forgive how long this post is (and it’s a monster!). Refuting untruths takes time, and I want to be thorough.
Finally, this post may seem like nothing but dueling statistics. But I think there’s something more important going on here; there’s a subtext to this argument that anyone who supports feminism ought be paying attention to. I’m planning to post a follow-up examining this aspect sometime in the next few days.