Pandagon asks you to explain why:
We should cut income taxes to spur growth by giving those who already have money and don’t see fit
to invest it in jobs or business more money, while simultaneously working to drop the minimum wage
so that those who have the least money can earn less. We should pretend that the poor don’t pay taxes
because they don’t pay income taxes, yet work steadfastly to cut taxes on money that isn’t income in
the first place, or alternately fight to pretend that income isn’t income and rebel against the
invasive taxation of that not-income as income (all the while supporting taxation systems that penalize
people for making less money). We should stimulate business growth by allowing existing, poorly run
businesses to pay at a lower marginal rate than their janitors, allowing them to escape taxation and
incorporate tax free offshore, and then giving them additional money back after they haven’t paid taxes
in the first place. When all this is said and done, we should then raise taxes on the poor to make them
see things our way, and proceed to decry the big spending ways of government as our party simultaneously
supports multiple wars, a useless missile defense shield, a huge new government bureacracy, and deficits
for the next decade. Incidentally, after all this is said and done, declare at once that government
spending has to decrease, offer no solutions on how to decrease it, and keep offering new spending
budgets that are larger than the previous year’s, all the while running this selfsame deficit.