Nathan Newman explains why
Belgium, France and Germany are doing the right thing by refusing to come to the aid of Turkey:

No one’s attacked Turkey.

No one has threatened to attack Turkey.

All that is happening is that in anticipation of the US violating international law and attacking
Iraq without UN sanction, there may be some chance of Iraq ending up in conflict with Turkey.

So this is preemptive demands for defense due to a possibility of a response to a preemptive attack
on Iraq?

The vetoing NATO countries rightly see the request as an attempt to create a fait accompli– deploy
their military resources so that any US assault on Iraq will inevitably drag all of them into the
conflict as well.

This is Gulf of Tonkin games on a global scale, trying to describe an offensive plan as some kind
of nonexistent defensive maneuver, all while trying to browbeat resisting people or countries as
disloyal or weak.