Pedantry has a complaint about the centre left in the US:


I am quite happy – gratified even – if large chunks of the population want nothing more than “mild improvements to this best of all possible worlds.” I just think that position ought to be called conservative, and I am much happier sharing the world with those kinds of conservatives than the kind who think that 1950 (or 1900, or 1880, or 1860, or a Nozickite “state of nature”) was the best of all possible worlds.

But, there still need to be people who imagine a fundamentally better world and who want to make it happen, because history isn’t over. I can find a few in Belgium. Some of them are nuts, but most are not. Are there any in the US anymore? Has imagining a better world become an act of science fiction?

Sorry, I just did a circuit of the blogs and I’m feeling frustrated that the most radical project I see on the American left is getting people to understand that a president who starts unprovoked wars and runs up trillion- plus dollar debts on regressive tax cuts might not be a very good leadership choice.

Hear, hear!