Why some people see no difference between Bush and the Democrats

Via Atrios comes the news that one Democratic Party candidate for congres supports Bush on his constitutional amendament regarding gay marriage:

Herseth backs the president on both counts.

‘I agree with the president on this issue. Marriage is between a man and a woman,’ she said.”

And in a later statement:

Stephanie and her campaign team understand the reaction to yesterday’s news. Stephanie’s position on the amendment is consistent with her position of the Defense of Marriage Act — she believes the issue ultimately should be left to the states, whether they decide it individually under federal legislation or collectively within the ratification process. In this election year, we truly hope this issue doesn’t distract from important discussions on issues like lowering the cost of health care, creating jobs, and getting our economy moving in the right direction.

Fucking weak. This sort of lilylivered pandering towards people who in all likelyhood won’t vote Democratic anyhow explains why the party is in the mess it is in. Everytime a principled stand is expected from it, it caves in in favour of short sighted, small minded “eelctionability”. I had hoped after the disastrous mid-elections of 2002 the Democrats would’ve learned this lesson, even more so after the various Democratic presidentful hopefuls finally started laying into Bush good, but alas.

It is not worth getting Democrats elected if they’re only going to be Republicans-lite; people chose the original over the copy most of the times anyway.