Teresa Nielsen Hayden talks about the damage that is being done by the rightwing meme about how Social Security is broken:
I?ve been ruminating about a one-liner that?s been floating around the meme pool since lord knows when. You?ve probably heard it a thousand times:
By the time you retire, there?ll be nothing left in the Social Security retirement fund.
It?s untrue, of course; but for those who aren?t aware that it?s untrue, it?s profoundly frightening.
We?re set up to be a cooperative society. We believe that by working together, we can as a people be richer, safer, smarter, and happier. However, this cooperation requires a certain basic level of trust. The belief that you could be left penniless in your old age, after a lifetime of contributing your regular fraction to the public good, creates a huge breach in your sense of trust.
The other thing about believing there?ll be nothing left when you retire is that it makes you far less likely to scream in outrage over the long-term looting of the national treasury. After all, you already know you?re not going to get any of that.