Judge Alito – All You Need To Know

Bush picks Alto for Supreme Court- ABC, 31 Oct

A woman’s womb belongs to her husband

It’s legal to strip-search a 10 year old girl

It’s fine to discriminate on race or sex, as long as you say you didn’t mean to

The architects of Gilead began their rise to power in an age of readily available pornography, prostitution, and violence against women?when pollution and chemical spills led to declining fertility rates. Using the military, they assassinated the president and members of Congress and launched a coup, claiming that they were taking power temporarily. They cracked down on women?s rights, forbidding women to hold property or jobs.

It looks like Judge Scalito thinks women are incapable of rational thought and that we can only use our uteruses when men say we can – property rights taken to their logical furthest extension.

From the comments at Atrios :

“Women are objects to be owned, like cars and tee-vee sets. Since they are “things,” the owners get to say what their “things” can and can’t do. So if you displease your owner he can beat you, cheat on you, or set you on fire in the bathroom. It’s just that the things have forgotten that and have gotten way too upitty in the past 150 years, but the insecure patriarchy is trying to put them back in their place, one reminder at a time. ”

Are we there yet?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.