
Athenae of First Draft on the reaction to the Scalito nomination:

“You know what I’d like? A law dictating that before a husband stuck his dick in his secretary, he had to notify his wife and ask permission. I’d like the state to mandate that before a guy told a woman he’d love her til death did them part and then dumped her while she was pregnant because the spark was just gone, he had to get her written okay. I’d like a law requiring the sick fuck who beats his wife to seek her permission before every blow. I’d like a law to force men who’ve forced women to bear 13 babies to just get it snipped at that point, because their wives are just downright exhausted.

You never see those laws, do you? God DAMN, Glenn, I wonder why? Maybe you could post about it for a while, instead of making veiled references to men being “on the hook” for supporting children?

In a post full of offensive bullshit that’s the part that revolts me the most. This whole idea of the tyranny of child support plays right into the conservative victim mentality, where if it wasn’t for the blacks, or the Jews, or the Ay-rabs, or the women, or the liberals, they’d just be king of the world. As if the only thing holding them back from their dreams is the woman who made them pay child support, the goddamn bitch. If not for her, why you’d be CEO of your own landscaping business instead of picking up roadkill, wouldn’t ya, Bubba? If somehow all minorities, women, liberals, all disappeared from the earth I just know you’d throw down the Cheetos, take your hand off your tiny little pecker and go right out and run for Congress!

I feel for white Christian men, really. Somebody’s always trying to keep them down.”

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.