We Are the Borg, Bring It On

No More Mr Nice Guy picks up on the current Rethug talking points, so you don’t have to:

Monday, October 31, 2005


On the right side of the Internet, there’s a strikingly broad range of opinions on the Alito nomination:

I think that at this moment, many, many conservatives, confident that the American people want judges to be judges, and not legislators, are stretching, flexing their muscles, and pounding the chest, whispering menacingly, “Bring. It. On.”
–Jim Geraghty at National Review Online

If, as expected, the Kennedy-led, mindless-Reid cabal is intent on all out war pitting the Left against the Right, then bring it on.
BAH at A Certain Slant of Light

If there is going to be a battle between liberals and conservatives, it’ll happen now. Bring it on.
Bob Mendenall at Bob Blog!

But if it?s a fight for what?s right, I say, bring it on.

The Demos are making noises about a filibuster. Bring it on.
Daisy Cutter

Bring it on Schummer, Kennedy and Biden.
Dick McDonald at The Right Scale

Bring it on.
Bill Nienhuis at PunditGuy

Mike B. at useless! worthless! insipid!

–marc at Hubs and Spokes

It’s War

Bring it on, libs.
thoughtomator at thoughtomation

Bring it on liberals!!!
Jim Wickre

It’s Time For The Left To Bring It On
Richard at Hyscience

And to the Left — Bring it on!
Mark Jakubik at Legal Right

It goes on and on…….. here

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.