He’s A Wanker, He’s A Wanker…

I do like a good takedown, and PZ Myers of Pharyngula does it beautifully. There’s now a new word for ‘wanker’ in the blogthesaurus.

” Pissant of the Week

Paul Deignan.

This little pimple rather pompously trolled Bitch Ph.D., and one commenter (“Wally”) sent an email to his advisors, and Dr B chopped out some of his comments and banned him. His response? He’s trying to puzzle out Dr B‘s identity so he can reveal it and use it in his lawsuit against Wally.

That’s right. Lawsuit. Over blogging.

The story is pretty damned stupid already, and Mr Deignan is looking like a whiny little wanker with an elevated sense of entitlement, but what really blows the story into a major league example of assholishness and hypocrisy are his dimbulb rationalizations for doing this:

1. To make an example out of miscreants. The internet should be a place where free speech is respected.

Whaaa?? Who is trying to silence his critics with a nuisance lawsuit and an attempt to intimidate by exposing a pseudonym here? He is no friend of free speech, obviously.

2. Because, I am a nice guy. I am allowing Wally one more opportunity to save himself and his friend a lot of grief. Ever been sued Wally? It goes on forever and it is no fun at all (except for me). And I’m going to enjoy spending a lot of money in attorney fees because I like lawyers.

He’s also trying to extort Wally by threatening to sue Dr B:

Remember, if I sue you, I sue your friend. It’s a twofer.

Nice guy, huh? I think a declaration that he enjoys harrassing people with lawsuits, and is also willing to lash out at people’s friends to get them to obey his demands, pretty much closes the book on that claim. Oh, and one more example of Deignan’s hypocrisy:

Apparently, this professor has nothing better to do with his time than to go on a witch hunt (and not a very smart one at that).

That’s in the middle of a long post with sitemeter screenshots and obsessive nitpicking over comments?by Deignan. I guess Ph.D. candidates in Indiana have even more free time.

You know, for such a self-declared smart guy, you might think he’d realize that this kind of outrageous excess is going to attract links to his behavior, and Google is going to remember who Paul Deignan is. What’s going to hurt his reputation isn’t an email to an advisor or an edited comment on a weblog?it’s his own ugly, petty response.”

From Deignan’s blog:

Wally and his friend are in a spot. They have both managed to cross two lines together. The first line was the commission of libel. They can make amends for that one. However, the second line was akin to crossing the Rubicon. Congratulations Wally, you’re going to find yourself on the end of a lawsuit and there is damn near nothing that you can do about it short of a formal signed, admission of fault delivered to me on your department letterhead by FedEx by Monday. Realistically, I have no other option. We tried to warn you Wally, but you wouldn’t listen.

Paul Deignan, this is especially for you:

The Wanker’s Song

“My mother said that I never should

play with the naughty, rude girls in the wood.

Their giggling talk I could never understand,

and that’s why I fell in love with my right hand.

And that’s why… “

Paul Deignan

Gender: male

Industry: Education

Occupation: PhD Candidate at Purdue University



My Web Page

deignan@ada-vs.com (MSN)

Location: Lafayette : Indiana : United States

“I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker.

and it does me good like it bloody well should.

I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker

and I’m always pulling my pud’.

I was twenty-five years old before I was kissed,

and then I found that I preferred a swift one off the wrist.

It’s cheap and convenient, you can’t catch VD.

It’s available at any time and it’s absolutely free.

And that’s why… (chorus)

Oh, Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters,

thank you for having me and being oh, so kind.

I’ve got pains in my arms and my dong is growing shorter,

My knees have turned to water, and I think I’m going blind.

I’ve wanked over Italy, I’ve wanked over Spain.

I’ve wanked in an omnibus, I’ve even had a wank in a train.

I’ve used a badger and a melon and a cat,

an inflatable Linda Lovelace, and a Davy Crockett hat.

And that’s why…

I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker.

and it does me good like it bloody well should.

I’m a wanker, I’m a wanker

and I’m always pulling my pud’. [..] “

The Wanker’s Song – Ivor Biggun & The Red-Nosed Burglars

Let’s make the first Google result for a ‘wanker’ , ‘Paul Geignan’. It would be poetic justice.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.