The Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber Dissidents, & Tony Gosling

Thanks to the Bristol branch of the NUJ New Media Committee’s blog, for pointing to this from Reporters Sans Frontieres: The Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber Dissidents.

It looks quite handy:


    • Bloggers, the new heralds of free expression
    • What?s a blog ?
    • The language of blogging
    • Choosing the best tool
    • How to set up and run a blog
    • What ethics should bloggers have ?
    • Getting your blog picked up by search-engines
    • What really makes a blog shine ?
    • Personal accounts:
      – Germany
      – Bahrain
      – USA
      – Hong Kong
      – Iran
      – Nepal
    • How to blog anonymously
    • Technical ways to get around censorship
    • Ensuring your e-mail is truly private
    • Internet-censor world championship

I spotted a familiar name in the list of members of that Bristol committee: Tony Gosling. I don’t know for sure if this is the same person, but I remember running across an ‘independent filmmaker & journalist for Indymedia’ called Tony Gosling, who attached himself to the demonstrations we organised against nuclear weapons in Devonport Dockyard in 2002 and was very erm … assiduous in making sure everyone involved was on video. ( More here)

I was suspicious of his bona-fides at the time ( it wouldn’t be the first time the left had been infiltrated), so I did some digging via various left listservs and it turned out that a ‘Tony Gosling’ had caused all sorts of ruckus in Bristol Indymedia with his tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories and crypto-fascist, ‘New Albion’ ideas. He pushed these through an Icke-like dodgy organisation, called ‘The Land Is Ours’ and through his own website. Obviously the man has not only fooled Bristol IMC but is moving onwards and upwards. What was it raging Pinko Hellcat said about theze ubiquitous careeerists in that last post? Ah yes, “Everydrones manage to promote themselves and be humble at the same time”.

More about Tony Gosling, from his own website, here. There’s a summary of the Bristol IMC troubles here. it wasn’t a small thing and nearly broke Bristol IMC. Some committment to the principles of journalism there by Gosling. Never mind though, he seems to be doing very nicely for himself.

How the hell did he get himself on an NUJ committee? Enquiring minds want to know. You can take a look at what passes for his ‘investigative journalism’ here.

If you’re a different Tony Gosling entirely, my apologies for any aspersions that I’ve cast. If you are that Tony Gosling, no apology from me is needed or planned.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.