Merry Christmas Is the New ?Fuck You?

BottleofBlog on the utterly loony American rightwing and the non-existent war against Christmas:


I mean, even if you’re a right wing nut, enough is enough.

How stupid do these people think you are, Republicans? What kind of morons do they take you for? A War On Christmas??? These total charlatans are trying to convince you that there’s some sort of holy significance between Walmart saying “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas”?

It’s too much. Really. Even for right wing lunatics. Some things are just too stupid. And this is one of them.

Rubes, wake up! These people think you’re morons and, by waging the War For Christmas, you’re convincing them they’re right. They’re not defending you. They’re laughing at you. They hate you. They can’t stop laughing at how stupid you are and how easy it is to manipulate you.

Terrorism lost it’s terror. And now they’re trying to convince you there are evil elfs in Santa’s workshop.

All the while selling “Holiday Ornaments” and sending out “Happy Holiday” cards and making videos about the true spirit of the “holiday” season.

It’s funny. I mean, it’s laughably funny, but it’s also depressing and annoying. It’s depressing that so many Americans are so dumb and so gullible. And it’s annoying to have to hear crazy shit like this every time Republicans run the gubment.


Read the whole thing…

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.