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‘Salamander Man”
Dutch police have arrested a thief who talked his way into the homes of dozens of unsuspecting people by saying he was looking for his lost salamander, hamster or iguana.
Payroll Personnel: “Perhaps the most depressing feature of the latest figures is the sharp rise in unemployment to above 1.5 million. When combined with the number of economically inactive jobless people who say that they want a job this raises the total number of people who want to work above 3.5 million. This, together with a seemingly inexorable rise in the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance, is a worrying backdrop to the government?s forthcoming Green Paper on welfare reform.
Dick Marty, Council of Europe:
?Suspected terrorists have been taken across the EU, stripped of all rights and taken to countries where they have no guarantee of basic human right. Is it really possible that no one in Europe knew anything about this??
Update : The UK’s representative on the Council just called for more evidence from the US. Yeah, right, that’s really going to happen.