Camp As A Row Of Tents

“My lallies are all a-quiver with the excitement, Jules, and my dolly old eke is grinning from ‘ere to ‘ere!…”

Thanks to the newly lithe and suntanned ( damn her eyes) Dependable Renegade for finding this. Believe it or not, it’s the mascot for the Department For Homeland Security.

Wahahahahahahaha. Could they be any more furry? What I especially like is the hipshot cowboy pose, all tilted rakish hat, folded biceps and come-hither eyes. But he’s not gay, oh no. Check out the adoringly gazing, Eisenhower-style nuclear furry family:

This artwork is weird – it has a kind of homoerotic temple fresco thing going on, with a touch of Bratz Safari collection doll, ezpecially about the eyes. Look:

All those muscles are very lovingly delineated. According to the website,

“Rex is Rory’s dad and Purrcilla’s husband. He is an explorer who loves taking his family on adventures! An all-around athlete, he stays in great shape by climbing rocks and trees, swimming across rivers, and running through the forest and plains.

Rory giggles when she calls her dad “the king of the forest,” but with his confidence and courage he is a leader that many forest animals are happy to follow. A great teacher, he encourages Rory to use her imagination.”

I wish I could have seen that design brief.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.