3 Posts For the Price of 1

Coretta King: Crooks & Liars: video clip compilation of the Coretta Scott King funeral, including Rev Joseph Lowry’s denunciation of Bush as he sits there looking, well, stupid. The chimperor is not a happy simian – and neither is his keeper. Heheheh, and indeed heh.

Steve Gilliard on Scott King:

There is a reason Coretta Scott King was given a sendoff to rival that of any queen, why an aging Oliver Tambo’s wife, former head of the military wing of the ANC, came thousands of miles topay tribute, why Edgar J. Hoover was shrunk after his efforts to blackmail King became known, why every black person of note and half of Atlanta came to pay tribute.

It was about her strength of character and moral bearing.

NSA Spy Scandal 1 : Arthur Silber finds this most enlightening Counterpunch piece from former Reagan appointee Paul Craig Roberts:

Before flinching at my assertion of blackmail, ask yourself why President Bush refuses to obey the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The purpose of the FISA court is to ensure that administrations do not spy for partisan political reasons. The warrant requirement is to ensure that a panel of independent federal judges hears a legitimate reason for the spying, thus protecting a president from the temptation to abuse the powers of government. The only reason for the Bush administration to evade the court is that the Bush administration had no legitimate reasons for its spying. This should be obvious even to a naif.

The United States is undergoing a coup against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil liberties, and democracy itself. The “liberal press” has been co-opted. As everyone must know by now, the New York Times has totally failed its First Amendment obligations, allowing Judith Miller to make war propaganda for the Bush administration, suppressing for an entire year the news that the Bush administration was illegally spying on American citizens, and denying coverage to Al Gore’s speech that challenged the criminal deeds of the Bush administration.

I’d take it with a pinch of salt though. Roberts also says in the same piece:

In their hatred of “the rich,” the left-wing overlooks that in the 20th century the rich were the class most persecuted by government. The class genocide of the 20th century is the greatest genocide in history.

Keep taking the tablets Mr Roberts.

NSA Spy scandal 2: Moving swift-boatedly on : US Representative Heather A. Wilson of New Mexico, Chair of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical Intelligence, calls for a probe of Bush spying. How long before the rumours of cannibalistic lesbianism start to surface?

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.