Listen To This

Alberto Gonzalez first official visit to London, and was just interviewed on BBC’s World at One.

Questioned on international law and the Geneva Conventions, Gonzales stumbled and could not answer. I seriously believe this was the first time he was ever really challenged by an interviewer, and he couldn’t hack it. Frankly he came across a man deeply out of his depth and trying to cover up by spouting talking points. Such as these:

Gonzales on waterboarding: WatO: “Are those kinds of treatment humane?” Gonzalez: “I’m not going to get into the question… because I don’t want to tell our enemy what we’re doing…. treatment is consistent with the Geneva Conventions..”

On John MCain’s torture amendment:

W: “How do you react to leading world figures….saying torture is the wrong thing?” “G: “Part of this is to listen to people’s concerns and explain what we’re doing in Gitmo, developing communications to better undertsnad what your concerns are… blah blah blah…There is no suggestion of Guantanamo closing right now” “When then?” “Er…”

On extraordinary rendition:
G: “Are people being rendered with co-operation fronm UK government”? G: “We respect the sovereignty… blah blah… W: “Would you render without consent … ?” G: “Again we respect… that’s not a yes or no…… we seek adequate assurances…” W: “Does that mean you do render without specific consent…?” G: “We have a level of co-operation…” W: “So they know you’re doing it…?”(crosstalk) G:”….and we respect the sovereignty of every European government”

On the extradition treaty:
W: “Can you offer any assurances this will be ratified?” G: “US administration has done its job… it’s in the hands of Congress.”

On abortion laws:

W: “Do you think… the after S Dakota… that the whole question of abortion law should be reconsidered for whole of the US by the Supreme Court?” G “Ultimately the Supreme Court will have a chance to look at this… what the decision will be I cannot predict at this time”

Really, a must listen. I have seldom heard anyone sound so slimy, devious, nasal and plain out dishonest. Gonzales sounds just like what he is, an overpromoted, small-town hick crony lawyer.

What is interesting is his insistence that the UK government knows, approves and assists in rendition. Today’s Guardian:

Tony Blair insisted today there was “no evidence” that the 200 CIA flights that passed through Britain involved the “extraordinary rendition” of terror suspects to countries where they could face torture.

At his monthly press conference the prime minister dismissed a call by a committee of MPs for the government to investigate whether CIA flights contained any terrorist prisoners.

Mr Blair pointed out that there was a procedure, whereby the US had to ask permission to “render” terror suspects and that they had made it clear they would not send suspects to any country without a guarantee they would not be abused.

It’s obvious one of them is not telling the truth about rendition. Which one is lying, Gonzales or Blair?

Tags: War On Terror Gonzales Rendition Torture Guantanamo Bay US Law UK Law Terrorism

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.