John McCain, The Great White Hope

Senator John McCain really does think he can be President. The US media and some ‘ liberals ‘ (Joe cough, Lieberman) think so too, and are pushing John MCain as Bush’s successor, now they’ve finally woken up to the fact that Bush is batshit crazy. The Uk media too, largely as a result of the reports of BBC koolaid-sipper Justin Webb.

McCain talks so pretty:

McCain, 2000:

“Political intolerance by any political party is neither a Judeo-Christian nor an American value” “The political tactics of division and slander are not our values.”

McCain 2004 :

McCain: Same-sex marriage ban is un-Republican

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

McCain: The proposed amendment “strikes me as antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans.”

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona broke forcefully with President Bush and the Senate GOP leadership Tuesday evening over the issue of same-sex marriage, taking to the Senate floor to call a constitutional amendment that would effectively ban the practice unnecessary — and un-Republican.

“The constitutional amendment we’re debating today strikes me as antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans,” McCain said. “It usurps from the states a fundamental authority they have always possessed and imposes a federal remedy for a problem that most states do not believe confronts them.”

What nice sentiments. But wait – his words, on closer scrutiny, seem somewhat contradictory:

McCain 2000:

McCain Says He Can Identify Gays By Behavior, Attitudes

By Mike Allen

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, January 18, 2000; Page A04

BARRINGTON, N.H., Jan. 17 — Rambling along back roads in quest of independent voters, Arizona Sen. John McCain said today that he can identify a gay person “by behavior and by attitudes”–an assertion that was disputed by the nation’s leading homosexual political group.

The Republican presidential contender made the assertion during a stop here at Calef’s Country Store, where he bought a block of extra-sharp cheddar. The topic had arisen as McCain chatted with reporters aboard his campaign bus, the Straight Talk Express, where he said he had served in the Navy with many gays, although they had not told him of their sexual orientation. In the store, he was asked how he knew.

“Well, I think we know by behavior and by attitudes,” he told a spray of television cameras. “I think that it’s clear to some of us when some people have that lifestyle. But I didn’t pursue it, and I wouldn’t pursue it, and I wouldn’t pursue it today.”

Asked again if he can really tell when someone is gay, McCain backtracked. “I said I had suspicions, and I think that–I was told that they were,” he said. “But, look: That, to me, was something–and still is something–that is private. It’s very different from a manifestation of that behavior in the line of duty.”

More on McCain’s Gaydar

The gay and lesbian Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), who have contributed $40,000 to the campaign of U.S. Senator from Arizona John McCain, offered more information about his controversial remarks in New Hampshire on January 18 about being able to recognize the gays among his colleagues during his military career. It seems that the several published reports of what he’d said all skipped an earlier part of his conversation with reporters, which LCR learned from video footage on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report with Brit Hume.” First McCain was asked if he had served with gay people in Vietnam, and he responded, “I know of many good people who I suspect were gay people, and I appreciated their service to the country.” It was only then that he was pressed for how he knew they were gay, and reportedly responded that, “Well, I think we know by behavior and by attitudes. I think it’s clear to some of us when some people have that lifestyle. But I didn’tpursue it, and I wouldn’t pursue it, and I wouldn’t pursue it today.”

On January 19, McCain appeared on NBC’s “Today” show, and Katie Couric again asked how he knew his fellow Navy personnel were gay. McCain said, “The main way that I knew was after that person got out of the Navy, he told me that he was gay. That was the main way I knew that.” Couric pressed on with, “But you also said that sometimes you can tell by behavior and attitudes?” and McCain responded, “No. They said, ‘How did you know that person?’ and I said, ‘Well, I could tell, but the main reason is because that person told me that they were gay after they got out of the Navy. And I am not really sure what that has to do with Presidential politics, but I’d be glad to discuss it.”

Mcain 2005:

Pro-gay McCain supports antigay amendment

A proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Arizona has just gotten a big endorsement –from the state’s notoriously pro-gay Republican U.S. senator, John McCain. At a Thursday night meeting with the group Protect Marriage Arizona, McCain not only endorsed the proposal, he also signed a petition to place the measure on the November 2006 state ballot.

McCain has opposed an amendment to the U.S. constitution banning same-sex marriage, saying it’s an issue that should be left to the states. But in a statement, McCain said he believes that “the institution of marriage should be reserved for the union of one man and one woman.”

But McCain is still not rightwing enough for Republicans:

Throughout his career, McCain has rarely talked about social issues or paid lip service to the religious right–prompting activists to question his devotion. “Some point to his record on pro-life issues and other questions and they say he really is acceptable,” says evangelical leader Paul Weyrich, an influential founder of the modern conservative movement. “Others point to his reaction after the South Carolina primary and feel that underneath he is hostile.” The bottom line? “I could not support him for President.” Weyrich estimates that 60 percent of social conservative leaders feel the same way. “Social conservatives are the majority of the boots on the ground,” says the Rev. Richard Land, a close Bush ally and director of the evangelical Southern Baptist Convention. “If fiscal conservatives and neocons and libertarians want to test that theory, they’re in for an electoral debacle.”

McCain finished 5th in a Republican straw poll yesterday. Republican knives don’t want him, because he’s only an opportunistic bigot rather than a bred in the bone one like them. Even though he can spout off with best of them, his heart isn’t in it really. Hell, he even has a foreign child! Rove wasn’t slow in picking up on that one.

McCain and his supporters are pushing him as some kind of conciliatory compromise candidate.. Democrats could finish him off if they wanted to. But they don’t. The media could actually connect the dots of his various statements and expose him for the lying scumbag he is. But no, they see polls like this and go hmmm, maybe there’s something in this McCain guy, conveniently forgetting that it’s their lazy reporting that’s created the impression in the first place…

It won’t wash. The blogosphere is onto his every sign of bigotry, every inconsistency and every untruth like wasps on jam, and the scrutiny will get ever more intense as 2008 approaches.

Tags: US Politics Republicans John McCain Election 08

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.