Spring Notes

Apologies to anyone who has mailed me in the past couple of weeks and had no reply.

My inbox has been massively spammed (Why only Brazilian spam? Beats me.) and quite frankly I’ve been so unwell with this flu I couldn’t be bothered to unmung it.
Influenza B on top of kidney failure = not fun.
However the relatively sunny and warm day has lifted my spirits enough to get to grips with the spam, so now the mailbox is all spring-cleaned and tidy and I can smile a virtuous smile and feel smug. And wonder why no-one loves me enough to send me mail, except anonymous Brazilian spammers, boohoo.
Oh well, I have the cats to keep me company and the sun is shining, however briefly. The snowdrops are out, the Queen of the Night tulips, paperwhite narcissi and periwinkle blue hyacinths I planted last summer outside are just starting to come up and the bluetits are clustering around the bird feeder, so sod posting, I’m going off to enjoy this brief respite from gloom and death and think about what to do with the garden before I’m off to hospital again.
Anything we plan on doing will have to be done soon – no major building projects, but just enough to make the garden a warm, sheltered and pleasant place to sit – it’s the size of a postage stamp and partially paved so my Capability Brown fantasies are strictly limited.
As there’ll be no gardening for me for quite a while post-surgery I’m trying to get as much done indoors as possible – we already have rose and Delft blue geraniums in seed trays on the bedroom window sill and they’re coming on nicely… Next are the summer bulbs, red and white and gold lilies.
Roll on spring and summer.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.