I love it when the biter gets bit – especially so when it’s someone like this guy, Tomo Foote Lennox, who gets to censor other people’s internet use. Seems he’s not so squeaky clean himself….

Isn’t it interesting how it’s always the men ( and it generally is men) who try to impose ‘moral’ standards on the rest of us, that then turn out to have grubby, sordid little private lives?

From Kathryn Cramer:

Secure Computing: Fulfilling a Wish for the Censor

I bought a book this morning for Secure Computing’s SmartFilter censor Tomo Foote-Lennox and videotaped the experience. I was Googling his name to see if my posts mentioning him had been indexed by Google, and I made an interesting discovery.

I noticed that there was a link to a review he’d posted on Amazon and I decided to learn a little more about his tastes, which are apparently very interesting. As it turned out, he’d only ever reviewed that one item. But he did have a Wish List, which I did have a look at. While it contained only two items, I decided to grant one of his two wishes and buy him a copy of The Mistress Manual: The Good Girl’s Guide to Female Dominance, which he had listed. I decided I would buy it for him, and I would videotape myself fulfilling his wish, and then I would blog it.


Shifting back into my usual social persona, I want to say that the problem with a fetishist playing censor for millions of people is that the fetsishist’s gaze is a sexualizing one, and so much material which is not inherently smut will look dirty to someone viewing the world through that lens. I had an unsatisfactory correspondence with Tomo on the subject of what material about breastfeeding would make it through their censorship. Many things I could do in the lunchroom of my son’s elementary school or in broad daylight on the streets of NYC would not have made it. I find this unacceptable, and I attribute part of the problem to the point of view (and arrogance) Tomo brings to the issue.

UPDATE: This Domini person thinks I’ve been bad, very bad. He thinks that I should have called Tomo to ask ? “hey Tomo, do you want me to buy you the Mistress Manual?” ? rather than turning a loaded credit card on him. (When Tomo responds to my most recent email message to him, maybe I’ll ask. But I don’t think he’s speaking to me right now.) I gotta say that the credit card purchase, Amazon order # 102-9375069-1924901, is leaving an awfully nice paper trail to Maple Grove, Minnestota. (Hmm, has Domini go a problem with my lifestyle as a dominant female blogger?)

Tags: Blogging Feminism Hypocrisy Censorship

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.