War On Women : Missouri Battlefront Report

We knew this would come….Hillary Clinton can try and do ‘bipartisan’Congressional deals on birth control all she wants, but we all know what they’re really up to – the fundies will not be happy until women shut up and get back in the kitchen. Clinton might as well just spit in the wind as try to attract moderates. This is open warfare on women by fundies . On this issue there are no moderates.

Low-income women would be affected

House OKs birth control funding ban


The Star?s Jefferson City correspondent

>JEFFERSON CITY ? The Missouri House voted Wednesday to ban state funding of contraceptives for low-income women and to prohibit state-funded programs from referring those women to other programs.

Critics jumped on the proposal, saying it would lead to more abortions and more unwanted children on welfare.

But the proposal?s sponsor, Republican Rep. Susan Phillips of Kansas City, said contraceptive services were an inappropriate use of tax dollars. ?If doctors want to give contraception privately or personally, they can,? Phillips said. ?But we don?t need to pay for contraception with taxpayer funds.?

Rep Phillips is Chair of the family and Children committee.

Tell her what you think.

Rep. Susan C. Phillips

Address: 201 West Capitol Avenue Kansas City MO 64151

7713 N Lucerne Ct, Room 313-2 Jefferson City MO 65101

Capitol Ph: 573-751-2071 Home Ph: 816-587-3379

Capitol Fax: 573-522-8622 Home Fax: 816-587-2418

Tags: War On Women Birth Control Family Planning Right To Choose

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.