Moron Modes

“You think you know about living in an exclusive gated community. . . maybe down south in Florida? Well, you don?t know stuff. Let me tell you about the worlds MOST exclusive, the world?s ULTMATE Gated Community, the Green Zone. The Gates of the Green Zone are protected by Abrams and Bradley, that is, by M1 Abrams TANKs and M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles. You want protection, how about soldiers, Marines, Navy SeaBees, SEALs, some Air Force, Private Security?Ghurkas are everywhere?and also, your own personal weapons to include pistols and long rifles. 2nd amendment rights?heck, you?ve never seen so many weapons carried by so few in one housing area. Automatics out the kazoo ! You can?t make this stuff up, you just can?t. (You folks who?ve been there know what I?m talking about !!!!) So, we came up with this tee-shirt, copied but never equaled, to signify your having ?been there.? The UGC tee-shirt, the (un)Official tee of Green Zonians world-wide.”

Ha. Ahahaha. How my sides are splitting. I found these t-shirts via Instaspouse’s blog, where they are being marketed as :

“For the well-dressed expat government employee and service member who lives and works in Iraq”

Every time you think these sick Republican fuckers can’t surprise you any more with their obscene war profiteering and blind arrogance, damned if they don’t go and do it again.

More Iraq fashion news: red is in this season. Did it ever go out of style?

Tags: Republican Fuckwittery

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.