Friday Saturday Lifeform Blogging -A Pigeon Blogs

St Patrick’s Day, and it’s a hard life on the streets of London for a flying rodent :

Pigeon?s Eye View

“Bit of a heavy one in the end last night – having slagged the plastic paddy pigeons I bumped into a few on Piccadilly Circus and ended up on the black stuff. One of ?em found a spilled tinny. Shame. Staggering everywhere – not a good look for a pigeon. Well embarassing. It doesn?t take alot. Couple a sips and we?re gone. So – bit of a dry beak and thumping head tbh. Mart had an early one so he?s fine.”

Read more of Britain’s only online pigeon diary and the only one I can find written in proper English by a bird . There is another blog called Angry Pigeon, but as far as I can tell, no winged pundits are involved in its production.

How much this blog reflects the view of the average pigeon on the street in unclear. Pigeons tend to be very moderate in their views, and generally restrict their public comments to ‘coo’ and variations thereof.

I’m beginning to suspect ‘Brian’ Pigeon is one of those self-appointed community leaders, whose blogging’s secretly funded by MI5 to sow dissent and despair amongst Britain’s avian population. Next thing we know there’ll be suicide pigeons in Trafalgar Square.

Why, oh why do pigeons hate our freedom?

Tags: Pigeons Blogging Ephemera London MI5

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.