Domenech For Dummies 2: Lame and Lamer

Could it get any more recursive?

It seems that proven liar, plagiariser and thief Bendontworkherenomore Domenech actually copied part of his immense fake ouput directly from the Doughy Pantload himself, Jonah Goldberg, now an LA Times columnist and himself the bloated, cowardly offspring of wingnuts. Goldberg got his position due to ahem, family connections. Anyone whose seen a picture of his mom, Lewinsky panty-sniffer Lucianne Goldberg, can imagine her cowering media targets rushing to give darling Jonah the job rather than have to have to undergo any sort of ahem, relations with her. That may be old gossip, but it’s certainly pertinent when a beneficiary of nepotism and influence gets ripped off by… a beneficiary of nepotism and influence.

This time it’s young Ben’s former student newspaper that outed him. Seems Ben might not’ve made very many actual friends at college. Why am I not surprised?

Flat Hat Online:

Domenech appears to have copied from National Review column

By Andy Zahn,Flat Hat News Editor

A Flat Hat opinion column written by former Washingtonpost.com weblogger Ben Domenech was found today that is similar to two columns written by Jonah Goldberg for National Review Online.

Domenech’s column, entitled “Not on my campaign trail,” appeared in the Oct. 27, 2000 edition of The Flat Hat. It did not appear on The Flat Hat’s online archives. Webloggers noted similarities between some of Domenech’s pieces on the Flat Hat’s online archives and pieces on Salon.com, by writer P.J. O’Rourke and other sources.

Whole story

Note to budding wingnut bloggers and Rove protegees: if you must plagiarise, at least do it from someone who can actually string two thoughts together consecutively and you know, write.

Yesterday Martin berated me mildly for focusing on what he described as ‘trivia’ like this, while leaving more substantive issues unremarked. My answer to that is, a] it’s fun, yes, and trivial in a sense, but b] there’s a real political purpose behind focusing on small fry.

I blog on the principle of ‘death by a thousand cuts’. There’s plenty of blogs out there covering massively substantive issues, policy-wonking away, but sometimes when you focus on the huge forest of opposition you miss the individual trees, not to mention the shrubbery. Ben Domenech, Jonah Goldberg and their ilk are low-growers, like ground elder they get in the way, tangle round our ankles and bog us down – and they need to be cleared out.

To extend the metaphor, bloggers clear the undergrowth by cutting down the saplings and exposing the roots so the big trees can be chopped down cleanly, and that’s not trivial at all.

Read more: Blogging NRO Domenech Plagiarism

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.