Man Overboard

I’ll be at the hospital all day again today, so not a lot of blogging will be happening. One quick post though, while I listen to the news.

It’s nice to be prescient for once – I was reading last night and noticed that Rove had pointed the prosecutor, Fitgerald, at the missing Cheney office emails in the Plame case and may have made a deal ro escape prosecution and protect his boss, Bush. So I said to Martin, “Looks like Rove is dumping Cheney and circling the wagons around Bush”. “Uh” came the reply. ( Well, it was late and he was watching Buzzcocks.)

Lo and behold, here’s Mick Smith in the Times Online next morning:

March 27, 2006
Is Karl Rove stabbing Cheney in the back?

There are intriguing signs of George Bush trying to distance himself from Dick Cheney as the investigation into who leaked the name of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame homes in on members of the vice-president?s close circle. Leaking the name of a covert CIA officer is illegal under US law and an investigation has been going on for some time under Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald into who was responsible. Karl Rove, the president?s special adviser, reportedly ?tipped off? Fitzgerald on the location of 250 emails that had mysteriously gone missing from the vice-president?s office.


Rove was initially thought to be one of those in the frame but according to the New York Times he is now ?increasingly certain? that he will not be indicted, although that may not save his skin as Republican congressmen, desperate to improve the party?s declining standing ahead of this year?s mid-term elections, are equally desperate to give the administration an extreme makeover. Now the US internet newspaper Raw Story is reporting that it was Rove who told Fitzgerald where to find the emails Cheney?s office didn?t want the special investigator to see.

Let’s hope this is a sign of the beginning of the end, and that it means that now the neocons have no-one left to turn on, but each other.

Read more: Rove Plame CIA

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.