Guess who?

“If one spends any amount of time reading the columns of washingtonpost.com?s Dan Froomkin ? whose status as leader of the hack is without compare ? it?s easy to realize that, on any given day, the cut and paste function has to be a tiring chore. Every day, it?s use the same template, find a new reason to hate. ?Bush is a liar because X.? ?The President is a fool because X.? ?The White House wants to kill your child?s pet because X.? Etc. He has his crowd, and he plays to it.

But with all that cut and pasting, sometimes little things can get in the way if you?re only reading the lefty sites? things like facts.

Awwww, isn’t Ben Domenech just the cutest thing? He really is the gift that gives on giving, bless his little rabid wingnut heart.

Read More: Ben Domenech Washington Post Plagiarism

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.