Is Jacob Weinsberg retarded?

After reading this Slate article…:

You could see the other Clinton making the same sort of calculations this week, when the New York Post put to Hillary the key culturally identifying question of our era: What’s on your iPod? Musical taste is eternally revealing, and thanks to the growing ubiquity of MP3 players, many people now wear this signifying data on their belts. The senator from New York responded that she has the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on the white iPod that her husband gave her for a birthday present, along with Motown and classical music. She then rattled off a list of songs: the Beatles “Hey Jude,” Aretha Franklin’s, “Respect,” the Eagles “Take It to the Limit,” and U2’s “Beautiful Day.”

Hillary Clinton is the least spontaneous of politicians, and this playlist suggests premeditation, if not actual poll-testing. She first indicates that she basically likes everything before coming to roost on classic rock and soul, which any baby boomer must identify with, lest she or he be branded terminally uncool. Hillary avoids, however, anything too racy, druggie, or aggressive, while naming tunes that are empowering and inspirational. On the world-is-divided-into-two-kinds-of-people question “the Beatles or the Stones,” she, like her husband, finds a middle path: both. She names no Stones songs and chooses a consensus, universally liked, neither-early-nor-late Beatles tune, “Hey Jude.” Hillary also manages a shout-out to racial diversity and feminism via Aretha Franklin, and she strikes a younger, socially conscious chord with U2. “Take It to the Limit,” on the other hand, is such a lame, black-hole-of-the-1970s choice that it can’t be taken for anything other than an expression of actual taste.

…the only questions I have are: is Jacob Weinsberg retarded? Or is he on crack? Does he actually believe the drivel he writes or does he know it doesn’t matter what crap he writes as long as it’s Clinton bashing?

I’m not even going to argue his argument is all wet, as it is so plainly ridiculous I don’t need to. If this is what Slate editors get paid for, I want their job! Trust me, I can spin a much more believable line of bullshit than that.