Why isn’t Judith Miller dead?

They paid the ultimate price. Why not Judith Miller?

The thought hit me suddenly. In the past week the 2,500th US fatality was announced and yet this latterday Goebbels still walks the street unmolested, escaping any and all consequences of having helped start this war with her incessant lying? What’s wrong with America? They have the right idea in Argentina on how to deal with people like Miller:

Women have spit on him. Men have chased him with crowbars. While he was waiting for a bus a few years ago in the Patagonian city of Bariloche, Argentine media described in a well-known case, a man walked calmly up to him and in a conversational tone asked:

“Are you Astiz?”

“Yes I am,” Astiz answered.

The man punched him twice in his face and kicked him in his groin before Astiz ran away. Every year since, on the anniversary of the assault, the townspeople hold a block party in the exact spot where the punches were thrown, to celebrate humiliation of Astiz.

No, I don’t want Judith Miller lynched. I want her in chains before a warcrimes tribunal along with Bush, Blair and all their cronies. I want the people who planned this war and those who helped it along to pay for it, but instead it is the Iraqi civilians who pay the price alongside with all those US and coalition soldiers who died faraway from home, or come back home with a missing arm or leg, or worse.

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