“Some of My Best Friends are Ferengi…”

Apparently those imaginary television characters the Ferengi are really the Jews, which obviously means that Star Trek’s writers are anti-semitic. Oh dear.

The Protocols Of The Elders Of The Ferengi

by Gavin Edwards

Star Trek, in all its incarnations, invites its audience to consider alien race narratives as parables for the earthly human condition. The Klingons act as a sign for aggression and its effect on a society, the Bajorans invite us to reflect on the Palestinians and other refugee people, and the Cheron people, with their half-black/half-white faces, keep on slapping us upside the head until we say, “Okay, race relations! I get it!”

So what, then, of the Ferengi? Why is this alien race different from all other alien races? Because the Trek creators have drawn them in such a way that they constantly evoke anti-Semitic images and archetypes. The Ferengi seem to be inviting us to engage in arrant racism about international Jewish banking conspiracies.


It gets more elaborate from there. It amuses me no end to imagine the empurpled reaction of certain prominent wingnut (cough, Jonah Goldberg) Star Trek fans to this challenging new hypothesis. I predict a nerd-riot.

Thanks to Jesus’ General commenter John for the tip.

Read more: Star Trek, Ferengi, Judaism, Anti-semitism, Doughy Pantload

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.