Clusterbombs, Coffee and Cookies
Sometimes when you see the topic of a blog-post you have to stop reading for a minute and go get the coffee and biscuits, then you can settle in for a proper treat.
So when I saw Wolcott taking on that shrieking harpy Melanie Phillips, who’s gone so far out on the wilder shores of zionism she’s become UK rightwing media’s very own Meir Kahane in a frock, out came the cafetiere and the chocolate digestives.
It’s probably very immoral of me to appear to be taking the clusterbombing of civilians so lightly, but I’m firmly of the opinion that dangerously inflammatory, partisan and paranoid journalists like Phillips should be derided and proved wrong wherever possible. And who better to do it than Wolcott?
I needed to keep my blood sugar up anyway.
Read more: Lebanon, Israel, Middle East, Hezbollah, UK media, Cluster bombs, uk media Melanie Phillips, James Wolcott.