A Revolution Of Sorts
Well, it’s a new political landscape in the US and the Democrats have made more or less a clean sweep: the House is won, and the Senate’s teetering their way, awaiting the final Virginia result. I’ve never been so pleased to have my pessimism about another election theft proved wrong. Though the Rethugs’ve been having damned good try at stealing it, grassroots organising defeated their nefarious plans. For once the electorate spoke loud and clear.
One of the more interesting results is the win of John Hall, formerly of rock group Orleans, who beat the Republican incumbent in his upstate NY congressional race running on a radical antiwar and environmental platform. Yay for hippies!
Less gratifying results are that Joe Leiberman kept his seat and the racist campaign in Tennessee worked against Harold Ford, who lost.
I’m not madly keen on Nancy Pelosi, never have been (she’s just another vaguely liberal, reformist, rich white woman, IMO) but it is progress for the US to have its first female Speaker of the House.
The big question now is impeachment. This isn’t the end of the process of bringing this government to account, it’s just the beginning. Last night was a great victory for the US voter, but it remains to be seen if those they elected will be any more responsive to the wishes of the electorate than the last lot were. People want to see the Chimperor and his minions brought to justice and although last night was a humilation for them it wasn’t even part of the justice that’s due.
The burning question now is will Dems impeach or won’t they? If they don’t, the newly elevated Pelosi et al may find today’s post- electoral euphoria wearing off pretty damned quickly.
If they do, there’s still the question of Bush’s self-anointment with dictatorial powers, and Cheney’s overt refusal to answer any potential future congressional subpoenas. Any attempt at impeachment’ll lead to a nasty, drag-out, knock-down scrap.
It can’t come to soon for me.
Read more: US congressionals elections, Democratic victory, Impeachment