Can I Tempt You To Sin?

Fancy fucking with the patriarchy a little bit?

Punkassblog has a link to one of those batshit fundy sites that’s running a survey on attitudes to what’s allegedly modest or immodest in dress:

Their survey, in which 200 something girls submitted over 300 “is it skanky when I _____” questions, which were then boiled down to something like 150 meticulous statements covering topics like bikinis, body glitter, and appropriate fabrics, complete with pictures for those guys who don’t know what a camisole is because in their minds they call it “she’s wearing that shirt that gets me all hard again.” Boys have to indicate to what degree they agree or disagree with the statements. The results will help girls help guys by finally having a clear set of instructions that will help them avoid being siren songs to sin. Unless you want to be a siren song, in which case the results will give you detailed instructions of exactly where the fine line is for getting your Christian brothers all hot and bothered against their will without overdoing the slut bit.

Here’s some statements they want yes/no replies to:

#5 It is a stumbling block when a girl reaches into her shirt to adjust a bra strap.

#1 A girl’s physical posture and/or position can be a stumbling block.
#5 The way a girl walks can be a stumbling block.
#4 It is a stumbling block to see a girl lying down, even if she’s just hanging out on the floor or on a couch with her friends.

#1 Putting lip-gloss on in front of a guy is a stumbling block.
#18 A purse with the strap diagonally across the chest draws too much attention to the bust.

And no eating bananas or ice-cream either, I’ll warrant. I’d better put down this lollipop I’m sucking too.

Those poor poor boys, they must be in a constant state of priapism. For god’s sakes, why can’t they just go and have a wank and stop bothering the rest of us?

The Brothers’ softly lit photograph is prominently featured in several places on their site and shows two remarkably handsome, male model-like young men:

Making good fundy girls horny

The dirty, dirty teases. Surely it’s immodest and un-Christian to inflame young girls’ lusts with images like that? Shouldn’t they be covered up?

Joking aside – let’s face it, these are just two young evangelists on the make, no different than the hucksters on the tv channels, in the megachurches or at revival meetings. The only difference between them and an Elmer Gantry or Pat Robertson is that they’ve dressed their hypocrisy up in a slick, hip online image.

They boast that evangelism is a family business to them, which leads me to doubt both their sincerity and their integrity:

Alex and Brett have grown up in a ministry household. Their father, Gregg Harris, is a well-known homeschool author and speaker, teaching elder at Household of Faith Community Church and director of Noble Institute for Leadership Development. Their mother, Sono Harris, is an accomplished speaker and successful speech coach. Their older brother, Joshua Harris, is senior pastor of Covenant Life Church and bestselling author of, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” “Boy Meets Girl,” and “Not Even A Hint.”

Do you see anyone actually doing anything in the way iof real work there? No, they’re just sucking off the teat of fundy largesse, as so many others do.

Their website doesn’t appear to be about helping anyone but themseves – it’s primarily about their making a living without actually having to to do any actual work, by trading on their good looks and exploiting other young people’s religious confusion and insecurities to make a buck.

They may not be making much money right now, but just look at the exposure they’re getting. The paid preaching engagements at Christian Academies’ll soon be rolling in.

Their whole site is also a form of porn by proxy. By tempting other supposedly godly young people to thoughts of sex and sin, they’re breaking one of the central tenets of Christianity – that inciting another to sin is a sin in itself and potentially a worse sin than the sin that was encouraged.

Call themselves Christians? Bloody hypocrites and whited sepulchres, the pair of them.

Am I suggesting you go over and freep their poll? Well, yes, yes actually, I am. I suggest we all go over to their survey en masse, wearing our tightest basques, highest heels and filmiest lingerie (and that means you too, guys) and freep it to hell and back.

For further in-depth discussionof the whole issue of fundies pushing ‘modesty’ see also Feminsiting, Pandagon, Feministe and Feministe again.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.