The clothes that were set on fire during the demonstration were collected by a haredi organization in the past few months in a door-to-door campaign held in haredi neighborhoods in Jerusalem. During the campaign, clothes deemed “immodest” were collected. Women rose to the challenge. The organization handed out coupons for “authorized shops” to those who handed over “forbidden clothing” so that they can buy new clothes.
In an announcement published by the rabbis, they clearly define what is forbidden to wear:
- Tricot shirts
- Lycra shirts and skirts
- Open-collared shirts
- Short and tight skirts
- Skirts with a slit
- Skirts with a straight cut
- Long or bulky earrings
- Clothes and bags in loud, flashy colors
- Wigs that are too exclusive
- Transparent or colorful stockings
- Clunky shoes
The result: Violence
The war against immodesty has recently descended into violence. Extremists attacked women with various sprays who were wearing clothes that didn’t fit their criteria. Clothing stores in Jerusalem have also been hurt. One of the stores near the center of the city sustained an attack of bleach bottles. Tens of thousands of shekels of damage was caused to the merchandise.
Most of the list of verboten clothing is a variation the same old “that whore with her tight clothes makes me think of sex”, but clunky shoes?
Oh, and it’s not just that these clothes drive lustful thoughts in otherwise pure men; they’re to blame for “the troubles befalling Israeli people”; nothing to do with starting a racially segregated state on an ethnically cleansed territory while keeping a couple of million people locked up in bantustans even the old Apartheid regime would’ve admired while than.