The UK and US have held high level talks on the possibility of putting a “Son of Star Wars” anti-ballistic missile defence system on British soil.
An article in The Economist claims Prime Minister Tony Blair has lobbied President George Bush for the system.
Full as he is of himself and full as his rhetoric is of high-minded platitudes, what he really wants to do is to is, well, what he wants to do. He sees a public statement of principles as a definition of a kind of a boundary: “aha, this tells me how far I can go, and hence anything I do up until that point is fair play!” Now, me, I see a statement of principles as an aspiration and a guide for behavior, and not as grounds for endless, twisty, knotty ethical negotiation and compromise. The weasel’s twist, the weasel’s tooth — sign a pact with Tac, that’s what you get.
Thers, actually referring to wingnut and arch civility hypocrite Josh Trevino. But it fits.