Comment of The Day, Celtic Twilight Edition

[Panic over – no hospital was required this time. I feel like shit, but luckily blogging doesn’t require perfect health, just persistence, irritability and the insatiable urge to snark.]

Speaking of which, Sadly No and Ampersand have had a bit of a falling out over the former’s mockery of the latter’s blogrolling of the extremely-sad-on-so-many-levels Daffyd Ap Hugh:

I don’t know who’s wrong, I don’t know who’s right, and who cares just so long as it gives rise to comments like this:

Jillian said,

April 24, 2006 at 20:41

This is the sort of bold warrior you’d find in the pages of the Mabinogion!

Can’t you see him, standing in his breeches and tunic, covered in woad tattoos, inovking the names of his ancestors, like Math ab Mathonwy, before riding in his chariot off to battle, the fierce battle cry of his clan rolling off his lips…


The whole ‘fat is political, don’t be mean because he’s fat’ argument some of the other commenters are having in that thread is typical of why the left never gets anywhere against these winger inadequates. Debating the morality of mocking somebody for their appearance, especially when it is so obviously loathsome, seems somewhat irrelevant given the years of online evidence of Ap Hugh’s own patented ad-feminam wankery. Plus he’s just been given a gig subbing for known genocidal torture-advocate Michelle Malkin, where it’s always open season, so mock away.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.