A Little Light Link Gardening

The spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where them boidies is…

Today I shall be mostly desperately trying to catch up with the explosion of thought-provoking posts on the aftermath and implications of the Scooter Libby guilty verdict, but not for too long becuse I’ve spent so much time recently sitting reading blogs. Now I have a sore spot, somewhere very uncivil indeed.

With that in mind I feel it prudent that I should do a lot of standing up today, so when I’ve finished this post I’ll go and get some chickenwire to block off the fence and stop the neighbourhood cats shitting in the back of the shady border and some hellebores to stop it becoming a permanent cat toilet.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for serious commentary there’s Simon Jenkins’ stinging article on the innate corruption of tonight’s House of Lords reform vote for you to read, or Digby’s “Where’s Rove?” or for a really in depth meaty read there’s TPM Muckraker‘s coverage of the growing scandal and congrssional hearings over Bushco’s attempted purge of koolaid-non-compliant federal lawyers.

Then, weather permitting, there’s some manure to dig in and some to remove and some shrubs to be shifted around (I love the way that makes our 50sq m courtyard garden sound like Kew) and some climbing roses, honeysuckle and anemone corms to be planted and lavender cuttings to be taken, all this inbetween ministering to Martin, who’s home sick, and cursing our own bloody cats for tracking mud in and out.

After that I shall mostly be knackered.

Dark Roasted Blend asks: “If the world was made out of rubber, and would stretch according to the certain parameters…” and features these incredible maps of economic and other imbalances from the Worldmapper project. Here’s the world mapped according to house prices:

For a little light relief from the all meltdown, all the time transatlantic political coverage, and heaven knows we all need it, you could do worse try that hybrid offspring of Glamour and Roll Call, Capitol Hill Barbie. :

Spring Has Not Yet Sprung – Face Forward

Just in time for my daily daydream about what it will be like when Mayor Fenty actually clears the streets of the ice, the 18 tons of rock salt currently on the ground stop crusting over my Delman flats washes away and the sun makes more than a guest starring appearance in my day…

Kiehl’s has announced that they have created a tinted moisturizer!

Yay, governments are crumbling, let’s shop!

Last but not least, the natural world -if you’re at all scared of the sea or worried about melting glaciers and inundations of ocean, don’t look now….

Imagine one those nibbling on your toes…

By the way, did you know we’ve been banned in China? That makes me very proud.We must be doing something right.

Oh and I nearly forgot: Michael Savage for Prez!

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.


  • JoeBuddha

    March 7, 2007 at 10:36 am

    Your link is broken…

    try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_isopod

  • Palau

    March 7, 2007 at 1:16 pm

    Ah, thanks, fixed.

  • Palau

    March 8, 2007 at 11:59 am

    The more I look at it, the cuter that isopod is. Aww, look at it’s little nosey!