“Are We There Yet , Are We There Yet , Are We There Yet ?”

Both Martin and I are daft about cats and we have three, but I’m not sure even we would go this far:

Cats’ 2,500-mile cab ride

A New York couple hired a yellow cab for a 2,500 mile ride to their new home – for the sake of their cats.

Pensioners Betty and Bob Matas feared their two cats would freeze to death in a cargo hold if they took a plane to Sedona, Arizona.

Cabbie Douglas Guldeniz agreed to turn off the meter and charge a flat rate of £1,500, plus expenses, for the journey.

“I feel a little sad, but I’m going to a beautiful place,” Betty, 71, told the New York Daily News as the couple set off on the 38-hour drive.

Mr Guldeniz seemed happy to pick up the Matases for what he said was probably one of the longest-ever cab rides.

“I have good passengers, nice passengers,” he told the newspaper. “I’m a little bit excited.”

The cats will be in separate carpet-lined cages fitted with litter boxes in the back of the taxi, said Bob, 72, adding they would likely rip each other to shreds if they had to share a cage.

“They hate each other,” he told the Daily News.

Yup, they’re like that. I’ve taken cats in cars on trains and on the front of my bike but the worst of all was taking my old cat, Maxwell, the one who could open the fridge and get the bacon despite the child lock, the one who deleiberately peed down the air vent of my hard drive, on the bus to the vets. He got the cat box open and ran round the lower deck yowling like a banshee till one of the other passengers grabbed him.

Never again.

[BTW, isn’t that a fantastic picture? It’s an Original Bigcathead by Bruce Andrew Mckay – (a.k.a. BAM), whose paintings and limited edition prints are published though Washington Green F.A.P.C. and available through W.G. partnership and select galleries worldwide. See here for details and webgallery, should anyone want to know what I’d like for my birthday…]

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.