
Steve Gilliard has died. He had been seriously ill and in hospital for some time now, so sadly his death does not come as a surprise. Our condolences to his friends and family.

Steve was somebody I only knew through his blog, I never had the pleasure of meeting him offline, but his personality shone through his writing. Loud and opiniated at times, but also knowledgeable, smart and never afraid to cut through the bullshit and say what he meant. In a sane world Steve Gilliard would’ve had Tom Friedman’s spot in the New York Times; instead he had his blog.

In a way, that was our luck, because through his blog he also created a community of readers, commenters and guest posters, that was one of the smartest and most intelligent around, where everything from food to sport was discussed aggresively but never obnoxiously.

He will be missed.

Palau adds:

Sorry, not blogging today, gutted.