Well, There’s A Surprise.

Maybe it’s time for Congress to round up all the wingnut sysadmins and apply a little Bushco-style LARTing?

After all, phyiscal mistreatment up to but not including major organ failure’s Ok for everyone else, why not their own operatives?

WASHINGTON (AP) – E-mail records are missing for 51 of the 88 White House officials who had electronic message accounts with the Republican National Committee, the House Oversight Committee said Monday. [….] The 51 include Ken Mehlman, a former White House political director who reportedly used his RNC account frequently, the report said.


Uh-huh, and I’m… well it seems I’m already Marie of Rumania several times over so if those emails and/or related logfiles – if they are actually, physically missing, then I’m… the Pope of Greenwich Village. CB Fry. Enver Hoxha. The Duchess of Duke Street. Virginia Plain.

Take your pick, all of those as are likely as those emails not being safely stashed away somewhere for use when most politically expedient. Try again, Oval Office.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.