A Feeble Excuse

I need to be away from the pc today because I hurt ( wasn’t feeling well, fell asleep on the sofa, woke up at 4.30am and can hardly move my neck now) so instead of a test pattern, here are some pictures of our cats.

Hector poised for Teletubby time:

Mine, all mine, mwahaha.

Dinner. Now. I said now, puny human!

And just as a teaser, one very ugly cat from the pictures folder, which is stuffed with them. . I’ll post lots more tomorow.

On the political front, US politics and blogs are in danger of disappearing up their own arses in a flurry of domestic wrongdoing and accusations; the rest of the world has ceased to exist for them, and the UK media too, who are falling all over themselves to suck up to Brown and his coterie.

Expect a Brown cabinet by the end of the day: I see Pitt The Very Very Younger David Milliband has already got Foreign Secretary. Yay, foreign policy by MySpace. What larks.

Peter Hain has got DWP, so expect fake tan to be allowed as a disregarded expense for benefits, and Alan Johnston, who left school with no qualifications, has got Health. The doctors’ll love that. All the Blair babes have upped sticks and left, leaving Brown with a bunch of blokes.

Plus ca change.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.