Today’s clips are all animations, mostly stop-motion, of Monty Python with (since we’re talking white and nerdy) Lego, WoW and Star Wars.
For once all these clips are work-safe, so if you’ve got your coffee, here we go.
“Let’s not go to Camelot. It is a very silly place.”
Some are much better than others, but all have taken a lot of concentrated nerd-hours to make. You can just see the earnest faces hunched over the Lego, moving each piece infinitesimally, on into the wee small hours. Bless. (Of course it’s only a matter of time till someone hacks the Star Wars/Lego games and there’s a utility for animating without the necessity for stop-motion. That would be sad though: at least the stop motion keeps the nerds off the streets…)
“…spam and spam, spam, spam, eggs, beans and spam, spam, Lego, bacon and spam….”
“I fart in your general direction…”
Then, inevitably, Monty Python had to meet Star Wars. Oh dear.
I’d like to have an argument please.”
“Some cheese, please, my good man.”
It wouldn’t be anything like a representative set of Python/Lego/Star Wars clips without Weird Al Yankovich, now would it? The Saga Begins:
You think that was nerdy? I’ve only just started…. Oh dear. The Cheese Shop. In World of Warcraft. Aiee.
As you can see, WoW fans also like Python. A lot. Here’s Python’s “How Not To Seen”, Wow style.
Now for the big finish it’s back to the Star Wars theme and here’s the best Family Guy/Star Wars tribute clips all in one big go. Enjoy.
July 13, 2007 at 3:02 pmSaw this today and I thought it was pretty funny. I didn’t post this video BTW, this isn’t spam :).