Comment of The Day: Well, That’s Me Told

Mikey at Sadly, No in response to my attemptedly snarky comment about US exceptionalism:

Dang that pesky sense of exceptionalism.

Thanks Palau. I’ve read some of your stuff. I never saw you as stupid as a box of hammers. Having a bad night? You have been around this blog, I’ve seen your (typically lucid) comments. You KNOW who I am, what I care about, and you posted this because you are trying to address some inner pain or you for some reason want to be an asshole. I don’t know the answer, but I’ll address your bullshit.

It’s not exceptionalism. The point was based upon per capita income, nothing more, nothing less. America SHOULD be among the worlds leaders in health and education, strictly because of the available funds, which is not hard to see, or understand. The fact that America is NOT among the leaders in those sorts of categories is a clear argument AGAINST american eceptionalism. Along, of course, with reality.

But hey. If you’re having fun, knock yourself out. Start stupid arguments among people you agree with for fun, ’cause pissing on puppies got boring or something.

Fuckin idiots…


Piss on puppies? As if I’d do such a thing, though for the rest he has a point.

My own point, though badly expressed and undoubtedly ill-aimed, was that we all should be among the worlds leaders in health and education, not just the US. Ideally it wouldn’t be a question of leaders when it comes to something as basic as healthcare, but then the world is hardly ideal nor likely to be so in any of our lifetimes.

Nevertheless it’s a big world, and there’s more than one continent in it (though you’d hardly know it from online progressive discussion) and thanks to globalisation what happens in the US spreads : the NHS, for example, is being gutted by US-style market reforms and that same neoliberal market-driven agenda is being enforced throughout many traditionally socialised healthcare systems under the cover of international trade agreements, to the detriment of many other people than just Americans. Unless we stop thinking so insularly and realise we’re all in this together, we’re all fucked. But then that’s hardly Mikey’s fault.

Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.