Comedy Double

Today’s clips are all of people I loathe getting pied. Why? Because it makes me laugh to see them look even more ridiculous than usual.

First up that vain. strutting little bantam, French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

Voila! Sarko entart麠Vive LeGloupier!

Here’s Skeletal wingnut mouthpiece Ann Coulter ( whose star has fallen somwhat recently. My heart bleeds) taken by surprise by patisserie. It was probably the most solid food she’d had in years.

Pompous neocon pundit and all-round antedeluvian windbag, the New York Times’ Bill Kristol is for once almost speechless:


Fundy homobigot and former orange juice queen Anita Bryant gets her just dessert:

Bill Gates, because the joy of it never fades.

Of course no collection of political humiliations would be complete without our very own fomer Labour MP, orange-hued TV presenter and ex-UKIP leader Robert Kilroy Silk having bucket of shit dumped on him, so this roundup isn’t complete.

For some reason video of that event is nowhere to be found online. Even the BBC’s archive footage refuses to play, at least for me. Here, you try. There’s nothing in the Wayback Machine either. How very odd that a record of a public event, recorded on the public’s time with the public’s money, should have unaccountably become unavailable like that. Especially since it was just so bloody funny.

Bonus clips:

Live action Pacman:

Live action Tetris:

Bonus bonus clip:

When pigeons attack :

And it’s back to the pies again. Viva custard! Viva El Nombre!


Published by Palau

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, washed the t-shirt 23 times, threw the t-shirt in the ragbag, now I'm polishing furniture with it.